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Yes, You Can Beat Erectile Dysfunction

Yes, You Can Beat Erectile Dysfunction

As you age, you may struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). Many men don’t talk to their doctor about this condition, even though it affects half of men over 50 and 70% of men over 70. 

Men who do speak to their doctors often hear the same old recommendations: Take oral medications or get injections. But before doing that, you should learn the underlying reasons why you experience ED. 

Getting and maintaining an erection requires your muscles, hormones, brain, nerves, and emotions to come together. These systems are key to your sexual health. And your blood vessels play one of the largest roles

Blood flow is key for erectile function. As you age, your blood vessels become weaker and can become lined with plaque, making getting an erection difficult. This means that injections and medications might not be treating the real issue at play. 

To ensure your ED is treated at the root, we at Urology Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California, provide drug-free, noninvasive GAINSWave®, a revolutionary ED treatment that helps improve blood flow sustainably. 

Our team of providers is here to help get you the treatment you need. In the meantime, take a moment to find out more about ED and how GAINSWave can help you. 

More about ED

As we mentioned above, ED is often the result of poor blood flow through your blood vessels due to aging and plaque. But there are other underlying issues that affect the way blood flows in your body. Some of these factors include: 

Addressing these underlying issues may help or resolve ED in certain cases. 

Some men think that taking testosterone supplements will cure their ED. This often isn’t the case, as only patients with low testosterone levels benefit from supplements. 

And only medical professionals, like our team, led by Philip Weintraub, MD, can accurately evaluate your testosterone levels. If you need testosterone supplements, it may not always be enough to alleviate ED, and we may recommend additional ED treatments. 

Another myth you may have heard is that ED means you’re simply not attracted to your partner. While attraction can play a key role in getting and sustaining an erection, a lack of attraction does not cause ED. Usually, ED has roots in an emotional or physical disorder. 

ED can trigger emotions of frustration and inadequacy, resulting in a diminished sense of self-worth. Untreated ED may escalate into depression, anger, and possibly even aggression. These emotional states can affect your relationships, turning your sex life into a challenging ordeal.

All about GAINSWave

GAINSWave is an ED treatment that heals the underlying problem of ED rather than increasing blood flow for only a short time, as other treatments do. This process restores blood flow to your penis using pulsed acoustical wave technology, breaking up the plaque in your blood vessels that contributes to ED. 

Breaking up plaque in the blood vessels that serve the penis allows better blood flow. This makes it easier for you to get and maintain a hard erection and restores sensitivity in your penis. 

The acoustic waves from GAINSWave trigger your body’s natural healing process, sparking more production of stem cells and growth factors in the damaged blood vessels and tissue.

This promotes a process called revascularization, which means new blood vessels form around the base of your penis. All of this helps you have normal erections again. 

Sessions of GAINSWave last about 20 minutes, are pain-free, have a high success rate, and require no downtime. This means you can return to your normal activities right away, including sex. 

Most men benefit from 6-12 treatments, and results last 2-3 years. We evaluate your case to develop a customized treatment plan for you.

If you’re ready to find out if GAINSWave is right for you, schedule an appointment with our ED experts at Urology Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California, today. For your convenience, we also offer telemedicine appointments.

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