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Using Cystoscopy to Look for Abnormalities in the Urethra and Bladder

Are you suffering from chronic bladder or urinary tract infections? Does frequent or painful urination stop you from completing your daily activities or enjoying social gatherings? You may be a candidate for cystoscopy.

At Urology Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California, Philip Weintraub, MD, and our team use innovative cystoscopy to evaluate your urinary system and conduct necessary testing to accurately diagnose and treat your urinary or bladder condition. 

Here’s what you need to know about using cystoscopy to look for abnormalities and other issues in your urethra and bladder.

Understanding cystoscopy

Cystoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows us to internally examine your bladder and urethra. During the procedure, we insert a small tube in your urethra through to your bladder, the pathway urine follows when leaving your body. 

This tube, called a cystoscopy, has a tiny camera and light, allowing us a clear picture of the inside of your urethra and bladder. It may be performed in the office under sedation or the hospital with general anesthesia.  

At Urology Associates Medical Group, we use cystoscopy to look for abnormalities that cause such conditions as:

This diagnostic procedure is a useful tool for investigating and diagnosing the cause of troublesome symptoms like frequent urination, painful urination, and blood in your urine.  

What to expect during a cystoscopy

We review your medical history and symptoms before recommending a diagnostic cystoscopy. 

Generally speaking, you can expect the procedure to take 30 minutes or less, depending on whether you require general or local anesthesia

Before the procedure begins, we may ask you for a urine sample and then have you empty your bladder. 

For the cystoscopy, you rest on the exam table and place your feet in stirrups. We then administer anesthesia to keep you comfortable and relaxed. Dr. Weintraub inserts the cystoscope, checking your urethra and bladder for abnormalities. 

Depending on your symptoms and unique situation, we may fill your bladder with a sterile fluid to make it easier to conduct the internal examination. Sometimes we collect tissue samples for biopsy. 

You are free to return home after your procedure, but plan to rest for the remainder of the day. We provide you with a list of instructions to ensure you have a fast recovery. 

If you’ve been experiencing troublesome bladder or urinary symptoms, we can help find solutions with a cystoscopy. Schedule by contracting our Burbank, California, office at 818-853-9679 or request an appointment online now. Our practice also offers telehealth consultations for your convenience.

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