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Does a Curved Erection Mean I Have Peyronie's Disease?

Does a Curved Erection Mean I Have Peyronie's Disease?

Did you know about 10% of American men have a painful condition called Peyronie’s disease? Peyronie’s disease results when scar tissue builds in the penis, creating a bent or curved erection that can make it challenging to enjoy sex.

But does a curved erection always mean you have Peyronie’s disease? At Urology Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California, our medical providers specialize in diagnosing and treating this uncomfortable condition. 

We’ve created this guide to help you understand Peyronie’s disease and the signs you may have it. 

What do I need to know about Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease affects millions of men age 40 or older. It triggers inflammation in your penis. Over time, this inflammation results in plaque (hard scar tissue) and causes your penis to curve or bend when erect.

You can feel this plaque through your skin. It usually appears on the top, but it can develop anywhere on the penis. Sometimes it winds around the shaft. 

Scar tissue can be hard and inflexible. This means Peyronie’s triggers many problematic symptoms, like painful erections, soft erections, or a curved or bent penis, which makes sex challenging. Sometimes the scar tissue pulls and causes the penis to get shorter. 

Researchers don’t fully understand why some men develop Peyronie’s disease. They believe different risk factors are involved, including: 

It’s important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have Peyronie’s disease. The condition sometimes goes away without treatment after a year or two. But it can also lead to more serious complications, like a permanently deformed penis or erectile dysfunction

Does a curved penis always mean Peyronie’s disease?

Not necessarily. Many men have a penis that curves to the left or right while erect. But if you notice a new or more significant curve to your penis or a curve that makes sex difficult or painful, it’s time to see a specialist for an evaluation. 

At Urology Associates Medical Group, we review your history, discuss your symptoms, perform a physical exam, and order any imaging studies needed to rule out other conditions and diagnose Peyronie’s disease. 

Come in as soon as possible if you suspect Peyronie’s disease. Getting treatment early can prevent complications from developing. Look for the following signs of Peyronie’s disease

While Peyronie’s disease usually affects men over 40, it can happen to men of any age.

How is Peyronie’s disease treated?

At Urology Associates Medical Group, your health and well-being are our top priorities. If you have Peyronie’s disease, we create a customized treatment plan based on your symptoms and the severity of your condition, which may include:

For patients with severe Peyronie’s disease, we may recommend surgical treatments. This may include shortening or elongating one side of your penis or inserting a prosthetic to remove the curve. 

To learn more about Peyronie’s disease, schedule an appointment today with us at Urological Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California.

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