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Myths and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that in their lifetime, more than half of men in the United States will experience erectile dysfunction (ED)? While there’s no shortage of information out there about this condition, some of what you read online or hear from friends simply isn’t true. 

Following bad advice about erectile dysfunction can make the condition worse or stop you from seeking much-needed professional medical advice. While it’s hard to believe, 75% of men with erectile dysfunction don’t get the medical treatment they need. 

At Urology Associates Medical Group in Burbank, California, we’re committed to protecting, improving, and maintaining your health, including concerns related to erectile dysfunction. Our compassionate team understands the trouble misinformation about ED can bring. 

To help you identify fact from fiction, we’ve put together this list of the top five myths about erectile dysfunction. 

Myth: I don’t have to worry about ED until I’m 70 or older

Fact: It’s true that sexual stamina changes over time. And while ED affects men over the age of 70 more frequently, younger men aren’t immune. In fact, one of every four ED patients is under 40, including 15% of men in their 20s. 

Myth: A health issue in my penis is the cause of my ED

Fact: Men develop ED for many reasons. Causes range from advancing age to physical and psychological causes. Conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes can trigger ED. 

Mental health issues like depression and anxiety can also be a factor. Lifestyle choices that negatively affect your overall health, like smoking, drug use, and alcohol may trigger ED. 

Myth: If I’m having trouble in the bedroom, I have ED

Fact: It’s a myth that men should always be able to have sex. Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection from time to time is normal. Illness, fatigue, anxiety, stress, and many other issues can affect your ability and libido. 

But if you frequently have trouble achieving or maintaining an erection, talk with one of our providers at Urology Associates Medical Group about your symptoms.

Myth: Testosterone supplements cure ED 

Fact: Testosterone only helps patients with low testosterone levels. Only a medical professional can accurately evaluate your testosterone levels.

But even if it turns out your testosterone levels are low, supplements that restore them to the normal range may not be enough to alleviate your ED. Many men who take testosterone supplements still require additional ED treatments, which is why you should talk to your provider about any erectile issues.

Myth: ED simply means I’m not attracted to my partner

Fact: It’s true that not being sexually attracted to your partner can make it more difficult to get and sustain an erection. But a lack of sexual attraction does not cause ED. Erectile dysfunction usually has roots in a physical or emotional disorder. 

ED can cause feelings of frustration and inadequacy, which can lead to low self-esteem. If your ED isn’t treated, it can lead to depression, anger, and even aggression. All of these can negatively affect your relationship with your partner, making your sex life a struggle.

If you experience any symptoms of ED, seek qualified medical care from an experienced professional like our team at Urology Associates Medical Group. Our office takes pride in understanding the unique health concerns of men, including ED and other sexual health concerns. 

If you’re struggling with ED and want to learn more about treatment options, contact our Burbank office or request an appointment today using our online tool. We also offer telemedicine appointments for your safety and convenience.

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